Sunday, March 19, 2017

Day 19-This is Part of Your Story-#SOL17

This time of year appears to be bringing out the "blahs" for lots of people in my life, whether it's the winter blues, the long stretch of time between winter and spring break, or just stresses they are facing in their individual lives.  I really try my best to not play into the negativity of others and instead, support them with looking at the positive, even when they may not see it for themselves.  It's all about perspective.
Via Twitter @DarrinPeppard 

How do you support others when they feel this way?   How do I support myself when I feel this way? We are human, and even growth-minded individuals still have times where even they have feelings of self-doubt or "blah".  It's how we are wired.  We get tired, stressed, and overwhelmed. However,  the crazy thing is, is that this too shall pass.  We fall down, we get back up, and life moves on.  Rinse and repeat.  Life is what we make of it, but it all accounts for our story...the good and the not so good.

Not trying to state the obvious today, yet just acknowledging the fact that we all face challenging times in our lives, but it's all about the productive struggle.  You got this people, I promise.  This is part of your story. 


  1. Yes! Every good story has conflicts, struggles, tension, and resolution. Each of us is a story. Hang on during each episodic event in the arc-we all want a happy ending!

  2. I totally hear your struggle in this post. I too find so many of us in this struggle trying to balance the good with the tensions and struggles. Life for most of us is not Pinterest worthy every day!

  3. I think you are so right, all about perspective! The picture of the glass, not half full or empty but refillable!

  4. I love how you look at it, and the struggle definitely part of our story! Thanks for a new lens for difficult situations!

  5. You are so right about this time of year -- the weather is still yucky, spring break has not arrived, report cards, too much to do. Thanks for the inspiration!

  6. So true! Perspective is key and we must savor the struggle. Thanks - this is so timely for me!

  7. Your slice has helped me with something I've been struggling with lately. I have a fellow teacher that is constantly negative and stating how she "can't" do "this" today or deal with this today... it's constant. Thanks for some perspectives that may help me deal!

  8. Such an important reminder. Overcoming the struggle is what shapes us.

  9. I think it is so important for us to acknowledge that everyone is having their own struggles. It keeps us from being too quick to judge (ourselves or others!)

  10. Isn't it all about a shift in perspective? Struggles and challenges are usually temporary. Bad times don't last forever.

  11. So true. The struggle is always there and it is how we deal with it and survive. Spring will definitely help me deal with mine. Good luck!

  12. Without conflicts there is no story...Without conflict the is no way to grow.

  13. YESSSSS! I needed to read this today! Between state testing and the long haul to Spring Break (Friday afternoon!!!!!), I needed the reminder that a growth perspective is what will benefit myself, my family, and my colleagues and students so much! It is so easy to forget, especially when Winter (almost Spring!) blahs have taken control! Thanks for the reminder!
