Sunday, March 11, 2018

Day 11: Gather Around the Table #SOL18

Sundays. Some people refer to it as Sunday Funday, while others prefer to call it a day of rest or worship.  Regardless of what it's called, I love Sundays.

During the week, we may go six different directions, yet still do our best to gather around the table for dinner as a family. Some nights this may mean a simple dinner of grilled cheese, but at least we are together.  When Sunday comes, there is not a rushing in the door from evening practices. There is not a rush to make dinner, so homework and bedtime can soon follow.  There is a slowness in time and pause from the hustle and bustle. There is just us, and thus, means us together as a family.  A time to gather around the table, talk together, and prepare for the week ahead. Tomorrow, we will return to our week where we will continue to do our best to come together as a family in between the multiple directions, but for today, as I look around at the faces around the table, I will remember one of the many reasons why I love Sundays. 


  1. I love Sundays too, but you make yours sounds so inviting. Enjoy what's left of it

  2. So important to pause and be together! Enjoy.
